God has no religion he doesn't wear a yamaka or robes

    He's not a snake handler

And he doesn't care which days you fast abstain celebrate or worship

    Men have claimed to be his son

Books have been written in his name only to instill fear in our sheepish race,

    Honor killings, beatings, rape and incest,

All excused, by morals lessened for religions political greed,

    Missionaries of all sorts, cramming their beliefs,

Down the throats of others,

     Considered "poor", "under-priveleged", or "un-enlightened" by thier own standards,

Ancient cultures abolished,

    Wiped out completely,

By another man's religion,

    Blessed holy water will not save your soul,

And you can't buy your way into heaven,

    Please do not bring your god(s) to my door,

You WILL be turned away,

    And do not expect me to reveal my own sins,

I don't trust that box, or the screen that you hide behind,

    Oh! The humiliation, of these religions so full of shame,

Don't speak to me of your make believe,

    I'll say it again,

Man has religion,

    Not God.