by John Winn

Staff Writer

Hennen's Observer

As writers go Brooke Gale Luby is a triple threat. In addition to publishing works of poetry the photographer and non-fiction author fights poverty ignorance and disease in her spare time as a social worker in her Texas hometown.  When she isn't busy being a superhero she blogs at Oh, did we mention she's a jet-setter too?  What can't she do?

Hennen's Jack Winn caught up with Brooke for our inaugural issue, shooting the metaphorical breeze about everything from her earliest memories as a writer, her devotion to her Christian faith--and her love of Sigur Rios.

Jack Winn: When did you know you wanted to be a writer? Was there an epiphany or did you just pick up a pen and write?

Brooke Luby: At the ripe age of three years old. I dictated my first book to my mom before I could write my name. It was an epic novel of about eight sentences entitled "The Turkey that Learned How to Speak". I started writing poetry when I was a teen to deal with life. I was incredibly shy and it was my only outlet.  I feel like it was something I was born to do. If I don't do it, I'm miserable.

JW: Do you have a particular method when you write? Where do you draw your inspiration from?

BL: My method for writing is some strong coffee or tea and the band Sigur Rios in my headphones!  For me, inspiration comes in a variety of ways. Often, it's a spontaneous conversation from a friend or stranger. I also love to travel and put myself in the shoes of those in other cultures. Everyone has a story.

JW: You make allusions to your faith on your blog. As a writer and a poet, what do you believe the role of a person of faith should be? Should a writer use their gift to proseylitize a la C.S. Lewis or should they not bring it up at all?

BL: My relationship with Jesus affects every area of my life. God breathed life into a man, and I believed that's where creativity comes from. My writing is my way of reflecting my experience as a human being on this planet--the pain, the beauty and the love. I don't personally believe my role is to convince anyone of anything. God is love, so He is intertwined in all of it.

JW: As a self-published author, what do you make of the self-publishing industry? Do you see it as a viable alternative to "traditional" media or more of a fad?

BL: The world is changing fast, and while self-publishing used to be mocked in the self-publishing world, it is just another tool to put everything in the hands of the author--there is no shame in that.  Social media gives everyone the opportunity to market themselves as a writer, and I don't believe it's something that will go away anytime soon.

JW: Finally what do you read for fun (besides the Bible)? What are your favorite poets and writers? Do you have any "guilty pleasures?

BL: I ready anything, but my favorite is non-fiction--essays on life, love and faith.  Ann Lammott, Donald Miller, Thomas Merton are just a few who have inspired me.  For poets, I love Wendell Berry, Rainer Maria Wilke.  I haven't read as far as the classics.  I'm not that disciplined!